四川华欧油橄榄开发有限公司注册在绵阳科技城现代农业科技示范区。公司经营范围:油橄榄种植、生产、销售、进出口贸易、培训、技术服务、咨询等。公司的经营宗旨:发挥规模效能,集结群体优势,以“公司+示范园+农户+基地(油橄榄合作社)”的模式实施种植、加工、科研一体化经营,推动农业产业化,发展中国油橄榄产业,积极参与社会主义新农村建设。 Sichuan HUA-OU Olive Development Co., LTD, registered in Mianyang Modern Agriculture Sci-Tech Demonstration Area, deals with a wide range of businesses, such as olive plantation, production, importation & exportation, research, training, service, and consultation, etc.. Its operation concept is: to promote the agricultural industrialization, to develop Chinese olive industry, and to take positively part into the construction of the new socialist countryside, the co..